鸿昌机械厂是专注于木工机械的研究、生产和销售的专业性厂家。 在工厂成立的2000年初,在充分考虑到自身财力和人力的有限条件后,鸿昌机械厂的创始人就明确提出了“借集聚产生优势,凭专业铸造辉煌”的企业发展思路,而将工厂有限的资源全部集中到木工机械的研究和生产领域,从而形成了在木工机械领域的相对优势。   今天,鸿昌机械厂已经发展成为木工机械的**厂家,产品除畅销国内市场外,还出口到世界各地。工厂具有生产从5吨到1200吨各类木工压机的实力,而且能够按照国内国外客户的要求实现定制生产,以满足不同客户的特殊要求,今后,鸿昌机械厂将一如既往坚持走专业性发展的思路,为国内国外客户提供更多更好的木工机械,并期待与国内国外的新老客户真诚合作,共同发展,共享繁荣。   本厂已通过ISO9001:2000认证。   HongChang Woodworking Machinery Factory is an elite group company, specially focus in the manufacturing of wood work machinery. Long before its establishment in year 2000, the elite in HongChang has come to the common understanding that due to the limited resources in both capital and human, the best way to be better than others for a small company, is to concentrate all its resources in just one or two items and after careful study of possessed resources and market situations both at home and abroad, HongChang selected wood work machinery as its target products.   After years of pain-taking works and market competitions, Hong Chang has gained rich experience in management and production and become one of the leaders in wood work machinery manufacturing and marketing in China. Today, HongChang is well in a position to produce both cold and hot press ranging from 5 tons to 1200 tons to satisfy demands from customers both at home and abroad and also capable to produce special wood work machines based on customer’s specifications. So, no matter you need a whole machine or just a part of the machine, common or specific, all your needs can be met by HongChang as far as they are in the field of press manufacturing. In short, HongChang is a small but unique press company.   The factory had passed ISO9001:2000

地址:浙江省永康市五金城金都市场240号 321300
电话:0579--87198588 吕国庆


广州鸿昌机械(安徽新宝锅炉)永康总代理 地址:浙江省永康市五金城金都市场240号